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Lee Da Hae Plastic Surgery Before and After

Lee Da Hae is one of the most successful plastic surgery examples. Among South Korean celebrities with plastic surgery, Lee Da Hae is surely one of the best. Lee Da Hae appears so beautiful that invited the admiration of people around the world. So, what did she have? Actually, Lee Da Hae has been reported to get several plastic surgery  procedures such as eyelid surgery, nose job and jaw reduction surgery.

LeeDaHaePlasticSurgery Lee Da Hae Plastic Surgery Before and After

Lee Da Hae Plastic Surgery

Lee Da Hae Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery or also known as Blepharoplasty is widely applied in South Korea. Many plastic surgery patients in this country get the eyelid surgery. We all know that most of eyelid surgery procedures have not taken for medical reason. In South Korea beauty matters. Plastic surgery patients got their plastic surgery for aesthetic reason.

It seems that Lee Da Hae also has the same point of view. Lee Da Hae has been reported to get the eyelid surgery to reshape her former eyelids. The result of Blepharoplasty performed by her plastic surgeon is clear enough.

We can see in Lee Da Hae plastic surgery Before After pictures that her today eyelids are more lifted. It made her eyes looked bigger, and also fresher. It is different with her eyelids in the past. You can see that her eyes looks were so small in the Before picture.

Lee Da Hae Nose Job

Like the eyelid surgery, the nose job also has the same popularity among plastic surgery patients in South Korea. Well, Lee Da Hae also has it. Even if Lee Da Hae denies that her nose has the work done, the nose job result is unquestionable.

We all can clearly see in her before after pictures how her nose changed. Lee Da Hae used to have flat nose shape, which then dramatically changed into a more pointed one. Changes also occurred on nostril and nasal bridge.

Her nasal bridge was so flat in the past. But the nose job or Rhinoplasty procedure has perfectly changed it. Her protruding nasal bridge now is one of her sweet parts.

Lee Da Hae Jawline Reduction

On average, plastic surgery traces are easy to see on Lee Da Hae face. After her eyelid surgery and nose job, the result of jaw reduction is also obvious. See her before after pictures, even at glance, we can see and easily find that her jaw has much changed. Her former wide jawline has been well reshaped into a smaller and narrower one.

LeeDaHaeJawReduction Lee Da Hae Plastic Surgery Before and After

Lee Da Hae Jaw Reduction

However, she seemed to get it a bit too obsessively. She changed her wide jawline into an almost perfect V-shaped jawline. Luckily, it matched her face. We couldn’t deny if Lee Da Hae appears much more beautiful with her today facial contour.

With some plastic surgery procedures on her, Lee Da Hae appears as if she is a different person. Check other perfect plastic surgery results like Hyomin T-ara, After School Nana and Kim Hyuna had. By the way, don’t forget to leave your comments here.

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