Katey Sagal has entirely changed her face with some plastic surgery procedures. Not only on her face, her body, mainly on her chest area also had significant changes. She appeared so differently if compared with her decades ago. So, what kind of procedures does she had?
Several plastic surgery procedures have been considered as the reason behind Katey Sagal’s today appearance. Facelift, botox, breast implants and jaw surgery are procedures that were reported to be on her.
Katey Sagal Facelift
Facelift is one the most popular procedures applied to those who wanted their face younger. It would effectively omitted the aging signs like wrinkles and saggy skin. Katey Sagal got it. She knew better that she is not young anymore. This American actress who was born on January 19, 1954, or is
Katey Sagal Botox, Jaw Surgery
For many “older” actresses plastic surgery, facelift combined with botox injection has given good results. It successfully brought back their youthfulness. Katey Sagal seemed to get the same. She combined her facelift with Botox injection. An American Plastic surgeon, Dr. Sherrell J Aston, gave us clue.
“I do think she has had a little Botox in the frown creases.” as the doctor told makemeheal.com few years ago. However the doctor tended to disagree with the jaw surgery rumor that addressed to Katey Sagal.
“However she has strong cheekbones and jawline anyway so it is possible to get fooled on photos with makeup.” doctor Sherrell added.
Katey Sagal Breast Implants
The result of breast implants are rather obvious. As we can see in her Before After pictures, Katey Sagal used to have small boobs, a reverse fact with her boobs in the After picture. Breast implants have given its benefit to Katey Sagal. She appears sexier with those new breasts, doesn’t she?
As the 60s years-old woman, Katey Sagal appears much younger with the help of plastic surgery. Katey is like Susan Lucci, Goldie Hawn and Olivia Newton John, other 60s years-old actresses who got plastic surgery.
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