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Jessica Biel Plastic Surgery of Nose Job Before and After Pictures

Jessica Biel seemed unable to resist the temptation of plastic surgery, especially for the nose job. The 32 years-old American actress  has been reported to went under the knife. Nose job (or Rhinoplasty) is procedure that linked to her. Not only nose job, Jessica Biel also rumored to get the lips augmentation.

JessicaBielNoseJob Jessica Biel Plastic Surgery of Nose Job Before and After Pictures

Jessica Biel Nose Job

Jessica Biel Nose Job

Actually Jessica Biel together with actresses like Scarlett Johansson and Kate Beckinsale have been considered to having “perfect” nose shape. As the dailymail.co.uk typed, that some plastic surgeons have analyzed the ideal shape for woman’s nose. From the experts research, it was found that the “perfect” nose shape should be slightly upturned. Those experts then took Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johansson, Kate Beckinsale and the Duchess of Cambridge as the best examples.

However, we all knew that Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johansson and Kate Beckinsale have their own rumors about the nose job. (See the result of Scarlett Johansson’s nose job). And talking about the “slightly upturned-perfect” nose shape, Megan Fox also seems to having it. Check Megan Fox nose job result.

Back to Jessica Biel, we all knew that she had a rather bigger nose shape in the past. But the surgeon’s knife seemed to has perfectly refined it. From Jessica Biel’s before after plastic surgery pictures you can see that her nose has subtle change. Unlike actor Patrick Dempsey who got bad result of nose job, Jessica Biel got the opposite. Her new nose matched her face well.

JessicaBielPlasticSurgery Jessica Biel Plastic Surgery of Nose Job Before and After Pictures

Jessica Biel Plastic Surgery

Jessica Biel Lips Augmentation

Lips augmentation issue perhaps didn’t as popular as her nose job. But it is still an interesting thing for many people. Although Jessica Biel didn’t clearly stated she had this type of augmentation, here is an American plastic surgeon, Dr. Anthony Youn gave us clue.

“Her lips do appear to be augmented. Possibly with a permanent implant,” doctor typed on his website. Now, everything becomes clearer. What do you think?

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