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Bristol Palin Plastic Surgery Before and After Jaw Surgery Pictures

Many celebrities tend to deny and hide their plastic surgeries. Some of them even left their plastic surgery issue in silent without any confirmation. But Bristol Palin is surely on the other side. Bristol Palin is one of those who openly admitting surgery. The oldest daughter of American politician Sarah Palin has her own reason for bringing herself to plastic surgeon. What has she done then?

BristolPalinPlasticSurgery1 Bristol Palin Plastic Surgery Before and After Jaw Surgery Pictures

Bristol Palin Plastic Surgery

Bristol Palin Jaw Surgery

Bristol Palin has admitted that she has had jaw surgery. This jaw surgery then causing the dramatic loss of her chubby face. No wonder, jaw surgery performed by her plastic surgeon has made her jaw smaller and sharper, throwing out the cuteness of her former face character.

So, what’s Bristol Palin reason behind her jaw surgery? Well, unlike most celebrities who take aesthetic reason, this 24 years old American TV personality takes medical reason for her plastic surgery. Uniquely, Bristol Palin also says that it was not plastic surgery. She just had corrective jaw surgery.

“Yes. It improved the way I look, but this surgery was necessary for medical reasons, so my jaw and teeth could properly realign. I don’t obsess over my face,” as she said a few years ago.

Regardless the different understanding of plastic surgery term, Bristol Palin appears better with her new jaw. It’s reasonable if she excited with the surgeon work.

“I am absolutely thrilled with the results. I look older, more mature, and don’t have as much of a chubby little baby face!” she said.

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